

  CATEGORY FEE (in Japanese yen)
Before 10 Sept 2013
(Early bird rates)
Accompanying Person
Invited Speaker
30,000 Yen
20,000 Yen
20,000 Yen
        0 Yen
11 Sept - 26 Oct 2013 Participant
Accompanying Person
Invited Speaker
35,000 Yen
25,000 Yen
25,000 Yen
        0 Yen
  • Student: Graduate or undergraduate university student
  • Accompanying Person: Spouses or family members of participants. An accompanying person is not allowed to attend the academic sessions.

Included in registration fee

  • Attendance to academic sessions
  • Welcome reception on November 10
  • Dinner on November 12
  • Tea breaks
  • Extended-abstract book

(What are included for an accompanying person are reception and dinner.)

Cancellation policy

Registration fee is non-refundable. We cannot refund your paid registration fee.

How to register

Conference registration is closed on October 31.

Contact for enquiries
Email: regist[at] (Please replace [at] with @.)